About the Network
The EU-VALUES Network (EU Research and Education Network on Foreign policy issues: Values and Democracy) brings together 21 outstanding higher education institutions from Europe and the world to enhance the debate and improve knowledge of values and democracy in the EU´s foreign policy.
This coalition of nearly 100 academic experts from six continents was built by selecting scholarly excellence and inclusiveness criteria such as gender equality or geographic diversity. Our EU-VALUES network has identified the need to strengthen the external legitimacy of the EU as a force for good in times of contestation.
The general objectives are generating and distributing novel knowledge on the nexus of EU foreign policy and the promotion of democracy and EU values and contributing to the primary objective of the Erasmus+ programme of supporting the educational, professional, and personal development of people in Europe and beyond through lifelong learning. These objectives will be reached by relying on an innovative project structure based on 7 work packages. Our network will collect, discuss & evaluate, and disseminate research on key developments in different policy areas in 4 thematic work packages.
We will examine EU values and their impact on EU policies such as security, development, trade, climate, and sustainable development goals. We will collect the academic output following a triple-layered collection process based on the idea of a “network of networks”. The collected material will be discussed within the network using peer review, expert surveys, reflection papers, and two-day network conferences in Turkey, Morocco, Indonesia and Chile.
The project’s work plan includes a high-quality website with a regularly updated blog, an electronic newsletter with cutting-edge research and didactic results, databases, interactive tools, webinars and video series. It will also strengthen transversal educational training with a MOOC and a textbook.
To hear more about the project, you may enjoy our first episode of The European Dialogue podcast, where Network Coordinator Jacint Jordana, introduces the Network.